Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Coolest Miracle!

May 23, 2016
I have been in Kansas for 12 weeks now!!!! 
Holy moly can you believe how fast time flies when on a mission!  This Friday is my 12 week call with the mission president to finish my training and then after that I am no longer a Greenie... in theory you don't truly stop being a greenie until you're out for 6 months but I will be done with training which means no more "The District" video's :P. 

This week was super Awesome! I went from not knowing what the heck I was doing and not knowing who to go see or what to plan; I just kept doing my best, and this week we just went out with members and worked our butts of and got so many new people who are interested in the church that we are now teaching. A cool story that happened yesterday was when we went with R. (who is 16) to go visit some investigators.  We went to visit this one investigator that we had been trying to get a hold of for three days.  I knocked on her door and her husband answered.  He told us to go away and that she didn't live there anymore. We asked for her number and he just said, “no” and slammed the door on us... super awkward but funny as well. We then started to go back to the car and we saw this lady getting ready to mow her lawn. We debated if we should go talk to her because she looked a little young. We weren't sure if she was a teen or an adult.  So after a bit of debating, we went over to talk to her and she was super cool! She was interested and kind so I asked her if she had ever heard of the Book of Mormon. She said, “no” so I took one out of my bag and told her about it and why it’s important and how its helped me come closer to my Savior. I asked her if we could give her a chapter to read, and she said she would love to read it. We then proceeded to talk about baptism and if she had been baptized before and what that meant to her. We then asked her if we were to come back and teach her more and she came to the knowledge that this was true that she would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of god. She said she would and she is now working towards June 11th yaaay THE COOLEST MIRACLE!

We have met so many cool people here in just two weeks its proof that there is always a reason why Heavenly Father changes things I was so mad that my trainer was ET'ed (Emergency Transferred) away from me and put me with someone new and unfamiliar. But Heavenly Father only gives us what He knows we can handle and even though I felt like I couldn't handle it and that I was walking in foggy place I just kept moving forward and trusting that He will show me the way and He did. I have been doing so many things I have never done before and have changed so much. I know this isn't the end for challenges and right now I’m in the standby zone for another one but just like the rest.  I know that with the help from the Lord and my own willingness to change and take those steps I will be able to overcome them. I am so grateful for Sister Mertens and all that she has taught me she is also such an amazing missionary.

Sister Magda

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