Monday, September 4, 2017

My Last Epistle

September 4, 2017
My last Epistle,

Ok, so I am about to say what every dying missionary says, I can't believe this day has come... Who would've thought that 18 months would go by so fast! This has been the greatest 18 months of my entire life. Yes, there have been ups and downs and in betweens, but there have been super highs and unexplainable experiences that I will ever be grateful for. There are so many fond memories I have here in Kansas that I will never forget! How I will miss this place!
  1. The people! So many wonderful people that have been sent by God to me to help me or for me to teach the gospel to.
  2. Seeing the changes the gospel makes in a person’s life. Especially mine!
  3. My backyard being lit on fire at 11pm by a crazy psycho.
  4. Feeling the Spirit as you teach the gospel and seeing how it “clicks.”
  5. The sound of running water in the church, as someone I came to love gets dressed in white.
  6. Being a representative of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
  7. Bed bugs.... NOT!
  8. Sitting in church with an investigator and feeling the Spirit.
  9. Seeing investigators recognize confirmations from the Spirit.
  10. Change! 
There is so much I wish I could express through this email, but sadly I can't. I have loved every second of being the Lords missionary! Everything I have done in this year and half has been for my Savior. I have gone out in the heat, cold, stormy tornado weather, to teach what I love and know to be true. I was never forced. I have done this because I want to bring the light this gospel has brought to my life to others. I have had thousands of doors slammed in my face, but those that have opened their door and let us in has made those thousands worth it. I have met so many wonderful members with such a desire to share the gospel to their friends, and have been wonderful examples. I have seen them embrace complete strangers into the church, and love and take care of them. The sweetest moments of my mission, are the times when the Lord allowed me to see his children as He does, with love and all that they can become. Brothers and sisters this church is true and contains the fullness of the gospel. The Book of Mormon is holy scripture and another testament of our Savior Jesus Christ. I promise you that as you read it with a sincere heart and act upon its precepts, you will come closer to God than by any other book. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and called to restore His church upon the earth, so that we may no longer be in darkness but guided by God’s chosen leaders through revelation once again. 

When my mission is over I will be steadfast and immovable as a living epistle of Jesus Christ and love my Savior forever more. I belong to the Kansas Wichita Mission family, Hoorah for Israel!

Sister Magda 

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